PASTOR BILL FRANCIS – Pastor Bill was born and raised and having spent only a few years away at college, still lives here in Martinez. Pastor Bill graduated from Alhambra High School (Go Dogs!) in 1983. He went on to attend Johnson Bible College in Knoxville, Tn where he graduated in 1989 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. He loves all kinds of sports and with a background in construction, can often be found listening to the Oakland A’s while building or fixing something. He, his wife Sharon (who teaches at Martinez Junior High), and their three sons are all very active in the community. Contact Pastor Bill at Bill@MorelloHills.org

Bio coming soon!
Contact Xavier at Xavier@MorelloHills.org

Savannah began attending MHCC when she was a little girl (she even went to the preschool) and was very active in participating in VBS, youth groups, and many more ventures within MHCC. Starting in 2010 she, her husband, and two daughters began attending as a family. In the summer of 2013, she became Assistant Director of Vacation Bible School until November 2017, when she gained the role of Administrator. Being born and raised in Martinez(now a resident of Oakley), Savannah is so blessed to raise her daughters in the church (family) that has always been there for her. She cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for her and her family! Contact Savannah at Savannah@MorelloHills.org